A Medieval Arabic-Persian DictionaryEdited with Notes and Introductions in Persian and English by Gholamreza Dadkhah and Abbas Goodarznia by Gholamreza Dadkhah, Abu al-Fath Hamd ibn Ahmad ibn Hussayn Badi, aka Kafi, Abbas Goodarznia 0 Reviews "Al-Mulakhkhas fi al-lughat," by Abu al-Fath Hamd ibn Ahmad ibn Hussayn Badi known as Kafi, a learned 12th or 13th Century, Iranian lexicographer and language scholar, is one of the oldest extant Arabic-Persian dictionaries. The dictionary is... $55.00
Commentary Upon the Foundation of Intellectual Perspicacity Concerning Logic, Natural PhilosophyEdited with Introductions and Notes in English and Persian by Gholamreza Dadkhah and Abbas Goodarznia by Burhan al-Din Nasafi ( d. 684/1286), Gholamreza Dadkhah, Abbas Goodarznia 0 Reviews Sharh ’Asas al-kiyasah is an important, yet little known, philosophical writing of Burhan al-Din Nasafi (d. 684/1286), a leading member of the intellectual School of Ma-wara’-al-nahr. In this work, Nasafi has followed the lead of the Peripatetics,... $25.00