

Critical Encounters

Essays on Persian Literature and Culture in Honor of Peter J. Chelkowski

M. R. Ghanoonparvar, Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami

Series: Festschrift
Availability: Out of stock
Published: 2007
Page #: xi + 170
Size: 6 x 9
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-56859-218-3, 1-56859-218-3
notes, references

Quick Overview

As his students attest, every session in Professor Peter J. Chelkowski's classes is a memorable event. This has consistently been the case throughout his long, distinguished career. He is often described by his students as a superb teacher who has mastery of the subject of his lessons and delivers his lectures with enthusiasm and flare. Perhaps Professor Chelkowski can best be described as a natural teacher who brings to the classroom not only his extensive learning in the field but also his talent and knowledge of dramatic arts. Every lecture is a performance and every classroom session an event that is imprinted in the minds of his students for years to come. This has always been true of Professor Chelkowski's teaching and certainly has been the case since 1968 when he began teaching at New York University. But what has also contributed to making Professor Chelkowski a great teacher is his rich educational background and distinguished, diverse, and creative scholarship.

This volume, therefore, is a collection of writings honoring Professor Peter J. Chelkowski on the occasion of his fortieth year of teaching and scholarship in the field of Iranian Studies. The articles in this book cover a broad spectrum of subjects. Some essays address topics concerned with modern Persian fiction and others reflect on issues related to Persian visual and dramatic arts. These contributions represent a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches in the context of Persian literary and artistic traditions.


M. R. Ghanoonparvar

M. R. Ghanoonparvar is Professor Emeritus of Persian and Comparative Literature at The University of Texas at Austin. Professor Ghanoonparvar has also taught at the University of Isfahan, the University of Virginia, and the University of Arizona, and was a Rockefeller Fellow at the University of Michigan. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Teachers of Persian (2021) as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to presenting Persian culinary arts to the non-Iranian public from Encyclopædia Iranica (2009). He has published widely on Persian literature and culture in both English and Persian and is the author of: Prophets of Doom: Literature as a Socio-Political Phenomenon in Modern Iran (1984),In a Persian Mirror: Images of the West and Westerners in Iranian Fiction(1993), Translating the Garden (2001), Reading Chubak (2005), Persian Cuisine: Traditional, Regional and Modern Foods (2006), Iranian Film and Persian Fiction (2016), Dining at the Safavid Court (2016), and From Prophets of Doom to Chroniclers of Gloom (2021). His translations include Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s By the Pen, Sadeq Chubak’s The Patient Stone, Simin Daneshvar’s Savushun, Ahmad Kasravi’s On Islam and Shi’ism, Sadeq Hedayat’s The Myth of Creation, Nima Yushij’s The Neighbor Says: Letters of Nima Yushij and the Philosophy of Modern Persian Poetry, Davud Ghaffarzadegan’s Fortune Told in Blood, Mohammad Reza Bayrami’s TheTales of Sabalan and Eagles of Hill 60, and Bahram Beyza’i’s Memoirsof the Actor in a Supporting Role. His edited volumes include Iranian Drama: An Anthology, In Transition: Essays on Culture and Identity in Middle Eastern Societies, Gholamhoseyn Sa’edi’s Othello in Wonderland and Mirror-Polishing Storytellers, and Moniro Ravanipour’s Satan Stones and Kanizu. His most recent translations include Shahrokh Meskub’s In the Alley of the Friend and Leaving, Staying, Returning, Hushang Golshiri’s Book of Jinn, Moniro Ravanipour’s The Drowned and These Crazy Nights, Hamid Shokat’s Flight into Darkness: A Political Biography of Shapour Bakhtiar and Caught in the Crossfire: A Political Biography of Qavamossaltaneh, Ghazaleh Alizadeh’s The Nights of Tehran, Ruhangiz Sharifian’s The Last Dream and Doran, and Shahrnush Parsipur’s Blue Logos. He was the recipient of the 2008 Lois Roth Prize for Literary Translation. His forthcoming books are Swan Songs: On Diseases, Death and Dying in Persian Stories and Life Is a Fiction: A Memoir of Life and Literature. His forthcoming translations include Ghazaleh Alizadeh’s The House of the Edrisis and Two Views, Hossein Atashparvar’s From the Moon to the Well, and Reza Julai’s Jujube Blossoms.


Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami

Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami joined the faculty of New York University in 1997 and since then he has been teaching Persian language and literature at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. His research is focused on the literary characteristics of contemporary Persian fiction and classical Persian poetry. He is the co-editor and co-translator of A Feast in the Mirror: Short Stories by Iranian Women and Another Sea, Another Shore: Persian Stories of Migration. His latest work, Modern Reflections of Classical Traditions in Persian Fiction, is a monograph on some of the major characteristics of contemporary literary production and literary criticism in Iran. This book was published simultaneously in the United States (in English) and in Iran (in Persian). He has also published numerous articles on Persian literature both in Persian and English. Currently he is working on a book project which focuses on analyzing literary counter-discourses in contemporary Persian fiction.

Publisher’s Note vii
Editors’ Foreword ix

1. The Power of Metaphor: Ideology and Politics in Modern Persian, Arabic, and Turkish Literatures 1
Kamran Talattof

2. Manifestations of Diversity and Alterity in the Persian Literary Idiom 22
Nasrin Rahimieh

3. The Post-Revolutionary Jamalzadeh 37
Paul Sprachman

4. The Iranian as Spectator and Spectacle: Theater and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century 47
Shiva Balaghi

5 .The Game of Coercion and Subterfuge 74
M. R. Ghanoonparvar
6. Paradoxical Interplays: Censorial and Counter-Censorial Discourses 86
Shouleh Vatanabadi

7. Aesthetic Refinement Vis-a-Vis Censorship: Goli Taraghi as a Case Study 96
Faridoun Farrokh

8. Who Writes Iran? Prison Literature in the Islamic Republic: “Les Damnées du paradis” 107
Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami

9. Manly Matters in Iran: From Beards to Turbans 146
Faegheh Shirazi

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