From Darkness Into LightTranslated from the Persian by F. R. C. Bagley. New Introduction by Nasrin Rahimieh by Badr ol-Moluk Bamdad 0 Reviews From Darkness into Light, an English translation of a two-volume work written in Persian by Badr ol-Moluk Bamdad, provides an overview of the status of women in Iran between the Constitutional Revolution (1905-11) and the White Revolution (1963). Published... $8.00
Kurdish WomenThrough History by Shahrzad Mojab 0 Reviews Kurdish Women Through History, Culture, and Resistance is a study of the lives and struggles of Kurdish women in the past while also envisioning the social, cultural, and sexual transformation of gender relations for a future that is upon us. An... $45.00
Persian Women by Clara Colliver Rice 0 Reviews The experiences and impressions of a long sojourn amongst the women of the land of the Shah with intimate description of their characteristics, customs and manner of living. First published in London in 1923. Condition: Good. Reprinted in Iran 1n 1976 as... $25.00