La Persia Economica by Eteocle Lorini 0 Reviews First published in Rome, Italy in 1900. Language: Italian. Condition: Good. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see under "Select Images." $45.00
La Republica di Venezia e la Persia by Guglielmo Berchet 0 Reviews First printed in Torino, Italy in 1865 by Tipografia G. B. Paravia E. Comp. Reprinted in 1976 in Iran as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series from a copy in New York Public Library. Condition: Cover is repaired at the spine. Inside pages are in... $25.00
Language and Culture in Persian by Paul Sprachman 0 Reviews Language and Culture in Persian lies at the intersection of what we ordinarily associate with language learning, standard vocabulary, idiom, grammar, etc. and a set of shared assumptions about the world that we call “culture.” The book is about what readers... $25.00
Larger English-Persian Dictionary by S. Haim 0 Reviews 5th printing. Over 80,000 entries.The choice for advanced users. Some Persian entries are transliterated. $65.00
Larger Persian-English Dictionary by S. Haim 0 Reviews 5th printing, over 50,000 entries. Best choice for advanced users. Some Persian entries are transliterated. $65.00
Leaving, Staying, ReturningTranslated from the Persian by M. R. Ghanoonparvar by Shahrokh Meskoob (1924-2005) 0 Reviews In the three stories of 'Leaving, Staying, Returning: A Trilogy", Shahrokh Meskoob explores the question of identity in relation to individuals and groups that have left their native country and culture and live as immigrants, whether by choice or by... $30.00
Legends, Tales and FablesWith an Appendix by Vladimir A. Livshits by Boris Marshak 0 Reviews In this survey of more than forty illustrative murals excavated over the last 54 years in Panjikent, a 5th-8th century C.E. town in the Zerafshan Valley in Tajikistan, Boris Marshak discusses the rich repertory of legends, tales and myths of the Sogdians that... $55.00
L'Entrée de la VillaEntrance to the Villa, circa 1903 by Edouard Vuillard 0 Reviews POSTER. French impressionist. Size: 24 x 18 in. Printed on high quality canvas ready to be framed. Other sizes are also available upon request. Size: 24 x 32 in. , $120.00 Size: 40 x 30 in., $280.00 Please send an e-mail to $95.00
Les Fouilles de HaddaMemoires de la Delegation Archeologique Francaise en Afghanistan by J.-J. Barthoux 0 Reviews SOLD. Published in Paris in 1930. 112 pages of plates. For more information, please see under "Select Images." Condition: Good. $85.00
Licensed FoolIllustrations by Ardeshir Mohassess by Paul Sprachman 0 Reviews What can be said with certainty about Obeyd-e Zakani hardly fills a paragraph. He was born around 1300 near Qazvin, a city in northeastern Iran. Apparently there were two branches of the Zakani clan: one belonging to the minority sect in Islam, Shiism, and... $40.00