I Won't Dance for You by Kamran Talattof 0 Reviews This volume contains the translation of the literary works of Shahrzad, an Iranian dancer, actor, and writer, originally published in three different books before the 1979 Iranian Revolution. In the 1960s and 70s, Shahrzad was known as a popular artist: she... $20.00
Ice Houses of Iran: Where, How, Why by Hemming Jorgensen 0 Reviews The traditional Persian ice houses were built at villages on the perimeter of the large deserts on the Central Plateau. Their cone-shaped domes, up to 20 meters high, consisted of mud and mud bricks from the excavation of the deep ice pits protected by the... $20.00
Illustrated History of the Persian Constitutional Revolution 1906-1911Compiled and edited by A. K. Jabbari and Janet Alexanian. Text in English and Persian. by 0 Reviews The Iranian Constitutional Movement represented the struggle of Iranians towards constitutional democracy, parliamentary government, and social and economic reforms. Since the weakening of the Qajar dynasty in the second half of the nineteenth century,... $10.00
In a Voice of Their OwnA Collection of Stories by Iranian Women, Written Since the Revolution of 1979 by Franklin Lewis, Farzin Yazdanfar 0 Reviews This collection provides a window on the concerns of Iranian women, writers in particular, since the Revolution of 1979 and the establishment of Islamic Republic in Iran. The collection includes eighteen stories written by more than a dozen women during the... $13.95
In Search of a Cultural Identity.Monuments and Artifacts of the Sasanian Near East, 3RD to 7TH Century A. D. by Prudence O. Harper 0 Reviews Based on a series of lectures given at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London in 1997, this book is a survey of the art and archeology of the Sasanian Near East from the 3rd to the 7th century A.D. Drawing upon the examination... $30.00
Inner Light [Nur al-Fu'ad]Edited with Introduction and notes by Hossein Ziai and Mohammad Karimi Zanjani Asl by Shihab al-Din Kumijani 0 Reviews It is a common saying that Islamic philosophy ended after the Iranian scientist and philosopher, Avicenna [Ebn-e Sina](d. 1037 A.D.). But is that true? The recently discovered Nur al-Fu’ad, “Inner Light,” written in Persian by an innovative exponent of the... $35.00
Inscriptions in Old Persian CuneiformIntroduction by St John Simpson by Ralph Norman Sharp 0 Reviews Among the .proud remains and wonderful memorials of the ancient land of Iran/Persia are the palaces which the Achaemenian Kings built at Pasargadae and Persepolis of massive polished stones in an incomparable manner. Each one of these splendid buildings, the... $35.00
Investigations Explicating the States of ExistantsEdited with Annotations by Alireza Asghari. English Introduction by Sajjad Rizvi by Alireza Asghari, Mulla Shamsa Gilani (d. ca. 1064/1654) 0 Reviews The "Investigations Explicating the States of Existents" (Taḥqīqāt dar bayān-e ahwāl-e mawjūdāt) is an exciting set of issues in philosophy and philosophical theology examined by Mullā Shamsā... $25.00
Iran and BeyondEssays in Middle Eastern History in Honor of Nikki R. Keddie by Rudi Matthee, Beth Baron 0 Reviews This volume of essays is a tribute to Nikki R. Keddie, professor emerita at UCLA, who in her forty-year career has authored and edited a number of important books and numerous articles in Iranian and Middle Eastern Studies. It contains essays by former... $45.00
Iran and the Challenges of the Twenty-First CenturyEssays in Honour of Mohammad-Reza Djalili by Clément Therme, H. E. Chehabi, Farhad Khosrokhavar 0 Reviews This book is a festschrift for Mohammad-Reza Djalili, retired professor at the Graduate Institute for International Relations and Development at Geneva. It contains seventeen articles, divided into two parts: Part One contains articles on domestic politics... $10.00