Hafez by Margaret L. Caton 0 Reviews Mortezá Varzi came from an artistically inclined family and developed his interest and knowledge in music through association with important musicians of his day. He studied the kamanche with Asghar Bahari, the acknowledged master of that instrument. Varzi... $35.00
Hafiz of ShirazA Selection from His Poems by Herman Bicknell 0 Reviews SOLD. First published in1875 in London, England. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. Language: Persian and English. Conditions: Excellent. 4-color lithography. For more information, please see "Select... $45.00
Half the World by Stephen P. Blake 0 Reviews Social architecture is a theoretical approach that takes the city itself as a text. In the anthropologist’s Clifford Gertz’s words the cityscape is “a story people tell themselves about themselves.” The built environment reflects the... $35.00
Hedayat on Religion by Paul Sprachman, M. R. Ghanoonparvar 0 Reviews The most internationally recognized Persian fiction writer in the 20th century, Sadeq Hedayat (1903-1951), was known as a secular intellectual whose controversial views on religion gained him both distractors and supporters in Iran, both during his life and... $45.00
Heritage of Persia by Richard N. Frye 0 Reviews Fifth Printing The civilization of ancient Persia was among the most splendid, powerful and long lasting of the great historical cultures. But our knowledge of it is all too often confined to a few masterpieces of early Persian art and the Persians' role of... $25.00
Histoire des Mongols de la Perse[Tarikh-e Moghol] by Fazl-ul Allah Rachid-Eldin 0 Reviews First edition. Published in Paris, France in 1836. Language: French and Persian. Condition: Some pages are discolored. Please see "Select Images" for additional information. May require some restoration. $950.00
Histore des Perses by Joseph de Gobineau 0 Reviews SOLD. First published in Paris, France in 1869. Language: French. Two volume set sold as one. Condition: Good. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see under "Select... $55.00
Historie des Revolutions de Perse by Charles Picault 0 Reviews First published in France in 1810. Language: French 2 Volume set, sold as one title. Condition: Good. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavie Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see under "Select Images." $45.00
History of Art in Persia by Charles Chipiez, George Perrot 0 Reviews First published in London, England in 1892. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. This is the only translation from the French by the same authors. Language: English. Illustrated with two hundred and fifty-four... $45.00