Zend-Avesta by Ignace Pietraszewski 0 Reviews SOLD! First published in Berlin, Germany between 1682 to 1858. Language: French, Polish and Old Persian/Avestan. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. Three books in one volume. Condition: Cover spine slightly... $65.00
Zoroastrian Tradition by Farhang Mehr 0 Reviews This book is concerned with the doctrinal beliefs of the practising Zoroastrians examined within the frames of the Gothic principals. Variances in the current practice are considered. The doctrinal changes are explained in the light of socio-political forces... $15.00
Zoroastrianism by Mary Boyce 0 Reviews This book seeks to establish that Zoroaster, the great Iranian prophet, founded his religion about 1200 B.C. It flourished thereafter as the faith of empires, and sank to that of a bitterly persecuted minority. But through all changes of fortunes, it is... $25.00
Zoroastrians of Iran by Janet Kestenberg Amighi 3 Reviews Zoroastrianism is both an ancient and still practiced religion. At its height it was the state religion of the Sasanian empire (224 to 651 AD) that ruled in the land of Persia. Arab conquest of the area destroyed that empire and a multitude eventually... $45.00