Mani by Konrad Kessler 0 Reviews First published in1889 in Berlin, German. Language: German. Condition: Good. Reprinted in 1976 in Iran as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see "Select Images." $25.00
MarshTranslated from the Persian by Afkham Darbandi. by Jaafar Modarres-Sadeghi 0 Reviews The Marsh is a novella presented as the first person narrative of a young, unnamed, male narrator. The story opens with a dream made up of the narrator’s memories of bathing as a boy, in company with his father and his father’s friends, in Isfahan’s... $9.95
Materials for the Study of Iranian Dialects by Valentin A. Zhukovski 0 Reviews Published in Russia between 1888 to 1922. Three volume set, bound in one volume. Language: Russian and Persian. Reprinted in 1976 in Iran as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. Condition: Good. For more information, see "Select... $55.00
Matla-osh-ShamsOn the Geography and History of Mashhad and Some Other Cities of Khorasan by Mohammad Hasan Khan 0 Reviews Published in Persia/Iran between the years 1883- 1885. Language: Persian. Three volumes bound in one. Condition: Good. For more information, please see under "Select Images." $85.00
Mediaeval Persian PaintingTranslated from the Russian and Edited by J. M. Rogers by Adel T. Adamova 0 Reviews From “Foreword” to the Volume. Scholars have favored various periodisations for mediaeval Persian painting. The simplest, and most widely accepted division has been by ruling dynasties, for it was precisely court art in feudal Iran which, as a rule, ‘set... $65.00
Medieval Tomb Towers of Iran by Abbas Daneshvari 0 Reviews This volume is a rumination of the meaning of Persian funerary structures within the context of Islamic traditions and perspectives during the 10th to 14th centuries AD. $10.00
Memoirs of the Actor in a Supporting Role:A PlayTranslated with an Introduction and Bibliography by M. R. Ghanoonparvar by Bahram Beyzai 0 Reviews Memoirs of the Actor in a Supporting Role is the first post-revolutionary play in English translation by Bahram Beyza'i, Iran's most prominent and most prolific playwright, an internationally-known filmmaker, screen writer, director, producer, and editor, and... $10.00
Metaphor and Allegory in Tanavoli’s Art.The Artist as the Unifying Principle in a Fragmented Universe. by Abbas Daneshvari 0 Reviews This book’s intent is to forge a closer connection between the aesthetical and theoretical aspects of Parviz Tanavoli’s sculptures. So far, and understandably so, the aesthetic of his art has been at the forefront of most studies. Yet, the... $15.00
Millennium English-Persian Dictionary[Two-volume Set] by A. M. Haghshenas 0 Reviews The most comprehensive and up-to-date English-Persian dictionary, based on the latest findings in linguistics, lexicography, and lexicology. More than 85,000 entries and sub-entries and 300,000 Persian equivalents.More than 250 notes on usage and grammer.... $65.00
Miniature Paintings in Ottoman Baghdad by Rachel Milstein 0 Reviews The Baghdad Illustrations in this book, present a kaleidoscopic view of the city: Ottoman militaries and courtiers; religious authorities and various Sufi orders; merchants from many countries; Arab and Tartar nomads; European adventurers; local tradesmen,... $45.00