FARHANG-e IRAN ZAMIN by Iraj Afshar 0 Reviews SOLD 30 volumes bound in 15 cloth editions. Published from 1332/1953 to 1384/2006. Publisher: Sokhan Press, Tehran, Iran. Total pages: Over 12,300. Includes maps, charts, plates and illustrations. Availability: 1 set. For more information, please see... $750.00
Ferdosi"s Konigsbuch by Friedrich Ruckert 0 Reviews First published in Berlin, Germany in 1890. Three-volume set, sold as one. Language: German. Condition: Good. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see under "Select Images." $55.00
Ferdowsi: A Critical BiographySecond printing, 2012 by A. Shapur Shahbazi (1942-2006) 0 Reviews NOTE: This book was first published in 1991 by Mazda Publishers in hardcover edition. **** The present study offers the first critical biography of Ferdowsi who, ten centuries ago, gathered historical traditions of various Iranians and recast them in epic... $19.95
Fiction of Sadeq Hedayat by Iraj Bashiri 0 Reviews This volume is the first comprehensive study of the life, learning, and the entire corpus of Hedayat's fictional writings. It surveys previous critical literature about Hedayat and examines his collections of short stories for theme, literary technique,... $10.00
First Dutch-Persian Commercial ConflictThe Attack on Qeshm Island, 1645 by Willem Floor 0 Reviews Despite the fact that the Netherlands had a long relationship with Safavid, Afsharid and Zand Persia, few original Persian documents have remained from that period. Thousands of documents must have been exchanged between the Persian government and the... $45.00
Folly of SpeakingThe Seventh Tale by Donne' Raffat 0 Reviews Abbas Sepehri, an aspiring cabinet minister under the Shah, is mysteriously fired and plunges into a world of political intrigue. His public disgrace then launches him on a personal journey that takes him to America, where his crisis deepens. There Abbas... $6.00
Form and Meaning in Persian Vocabulary by John R. Perry 0 Reviews Arabic loan words have played a fundamental role in the evolution of New Persian. Persian in turn has transmitted the bulk of these loan words-together with its own modifications and rules for their incorporation-throughout the Islamic cultural area, playing... $45.00
Free Fall: Collected Short StoriesEdited with an Introduction by Gourgen Arzoumanian by Leonardo P. Alishan 0 Reviews Free Fall contains fifty-nine short stories and an introduction by the editor. The reader will find amazing how fiction and truth are intermingled harmoniously. The first story of the book is an introductory story where the legendary bird, simorgh, gives... $25.00
From Columbus to Churchil by S. M. Ghazanfar (Editor), Robert Eddy (Co-Editor) 0 Reviews This edited volume presents a collection of essays on seven prominent Western historical figures. It is argued that these figures are so firmly canonized for their “unquestioned greatness” that the darker side of the historical process is either... $15.00
From Darkness Into LightTranslated from the Persian by F. R. C. Bagley. New Introduction by Nasrin Rahimieh by Badr ol-Moluk Bamdad 0 Reviews From Darkness into Light, an English translation of a two-volume work written in Persian by Badr ol-Moluk Bamdad, provides an overview of the status of women in Iran between the Constitutional Revolution (1905-11) and the White Revolution (1963). Published... $8.00