Addenda on The Commentary on The Philosophy of Illumination:Part One on The Rules of Thought.Critical Edition, Introduction, Glossary of Technical Terms and Index by Hossein Ziai by Muhammad b. Ibrahim Sadr al-Din Shirazi [Molla Sadra] 0 Reviews In this volme, Part One of one of the most significant and truly philosophical texts of the post classical period in Persian and Arabic philosophy, is published for the first time in a critical edition. The text, "Addenda on The Commentary on The Philosophy... $65.00
Al-Tanqihat fi Sharh al-TalwihatRefinement and Commentary on Suhrawardi's, Intimations. A Thirteenth Century Text on Natural Philosophy and Psychology. by Ahmed Alwishah, Hossein Ziai (1944-2011) 0 Reviews The present volume is a critical edition of a highly significant 13th century text, Al-Tanqihat fi Sharh al-Talwihat : al-Fann al-Thanifi al-Tabi‘i, on natural philosophy and psychology. The text was written in Arabic by Sa‘d b. Mansur b. Hibat-Allah... $55.00
Avicenna: The Metaphysics of the ShifāFacsimile Edition of MS Malek Library (Tehran) 1085, Dated 509H/1115 by Amos Bertolacci, Gholamreza Dadkhah 0 Reviews If the Šifāʾ (The Cure, or The Healing) in its entirety deserves to be considered Ibn Sīnā’s masterpiece in philosophy, the same can be said in particular of its metaphysical section (Ilāhiyyāt, Divine Things): this... $195.00
Ball and Polo Stick or The Book of EcstasyBy Arifi of Herat by Hossein Ziai (1944-2011), Wheeler Thackston 0 Reviews Little is known of the poet ‘Arifi of Herat (d. 1449), but his book The Ball and Polo Stick has been popular since its composition in A.H. 842 (A.D. 1438-39) at the height of Timurid power. The underlying theme of this work is self-sacrificing love, a... $15.00
Book of RadianceA Parallel English-Persian Text. By: Shihab al-Din Sohravardi by Hossein Ziai (1944-2011) 0 Reviews Shihab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash ibn Amirak Abul-Futuh Sohravardi was born in Sohravard in northwestern Iran in 549/1154. He is one of the best known figures in the history of Islamic philosophy, his status as founder of philosophy of illuminations earned him... $30.00
Commentary Upon the Foundation of Intellectual Perspicacity Concerning Logic, Natural PhilosophyEdited with Introductions and Notes in English and Persian by Gholamreza Dadkhah and Abbas Goodarznia by Burhan al-Din Nasafi ( d. 684/1286), Gholamreza Dadkhah, Abbas Goodarznia 0 Reviews Sharh ’Asas al-kiyasah is an important, yet little known, philosophical writing of Burhan al-Din Nasafi (d. 684/1286), a leading member of the intellectual School of Ma-wara’-al-nahr. In this work, Nasafi has followed the lead of the Peripatetics,... $25.00
David Anhaght‘: The 'Invincible' Philosopher by Avedis K. Sanjian 0 Reviews The fifth/sixth century Armenian Neoplatonist David Anhaght‘ is recognized as the founder of several branches of Armenian philosophy, particularly logic. His philosophical writings have been studied by generations of Armenian scholars, and during the... $15.00
Inner Light [Nur al-Fu'ad]Edited with Introduction and notes by Hossein Ziai and Mohammad Karimi Zanjani Asl by Shihab al-Din Kumijani 0 Reviews It is a common saying that Islamic philosophy ended after the Iranian scientist and philosopher, Avicenna [Ebn-e Sina](d. 1037 A.D.). But is that true? The recently discovered Nur al-Fu’ad, “Inner Light,” written in Persian by an innovative exponent of the... $35.00
Investigations Explicating the States of ExistantsEdited with Annotations by Alireza Asghari. English Introduction by Sajjad Rizvi by Alireza Asghari, Mulla Shamsa Gilani (d. ca. 1064/1654) 0 Reviews The "Investigations Explicating the States of Existents" (Taḥqīqāt dar bayān-e ahwāl-e mawjūdāt) is an exciting set of issues in philosophy and philosophical theology examined by Mullā Shamsā... $25.00
Mani by Konrad Kessler 0 Reviews First published in1889 in Berlin, German. Language: German. Condition: Good. Reprinted in 1976 in Iran as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. For more information, please see "Select Images." $25.00