Erotic Persian by Paul Sprachman 0 Reviews This book is a general survey of language and images that arouse sexual desire. The book begins by examining the works of the great Persian poets and prose authors who avoid direct mention of bodily functions and use imagery borrowed from nature and food when... $45.00
Hedayat on Religion by Paul Sprachman, M. R. Ghanoonparvar 0 Reviews The most internationally recognized Persian fiction writer in the 20th century, Sadeq Hedayat (1903-1951), was known as a secular intellectual whose controversial views on religion gained him both distractors and supporters in Iran, both during his life and... $45.00
Language and Culture in Persian by Paul Sprachman 0 Reviews Language and Culture in Persian lies at the intersection of what we ordinarily associate with language learning, standard vocabulary, idiom, grammar, etc. and a set of shared assumptions about the world that we call “culture.” The book is about what readers... $25.00
Licensed FoolIllustrations by Ardeshir Mohassess by Paul Sprachman 0 Reviews What can be said with certainty about Obeyd-e Zakani hardly fills a paragraph. He was born around 1300 near Qazvin, a city in northeastern Iran. Apparently there were two branches of the Zakani clan: one belonging to the minority sect in Islam, Shiism, and... $40.00
Suppressed Persian by Paul Sprachman 1 Reviews This volume is an anthology of selected pieces of poetry and prose that deeply offend long-established standards of "good taste" and "morality" in Iran. It presents unprintables from the works of eight of the most important writers of Persian literature.... $29.95