A History of Persia by Robert Grant Watson 0 Reviews SOLD! First published in London, England in 1866. Reprinted in Iran in 1976 as part of the Pahlavi Commemorative Reprint Series. Condition: Good. For more information, please see under "Select Images." $35.00
A Survey of Persian Art[Only 3 sets remaining in stock] by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews NOTE: This collection includes two previously unpublished volumes, Vol. XVII and Vol. XVIII., a total of 18 volumes. The final volume of A Survey of Persian Art appeared just before the outbreak of World War II in 1939. Acclaimed by scholars and reviewers... $2,450.00
A Survey of Persian Art: Art of the BookVolume V-a coupled with Volume X. by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews The complete 18-volume set of the Survey of Persian Art is sold separately. Please order subject volumes under the general heading, "Survey of Persian Art." Volume V-a, 186 pages, 9 figures, coupled with Volume X, 287 plates, 32 in color.... $45.00
A Survey of Persian Art: CarpetsVolume VI-a coupled with Volume XII. by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews The complete 18-volume set of the Survey of Persian Art is sold separately. Please order subject volumes under the general heading, "Survey of Persian Art." Volume VI-a, 209 pages, 124 figures coupled with Volume XII, 197 plates... $45.00
A Survey of Persian Art: Metalwork and Minor ArtsVolume VI-b Coupled With Volume XIII. by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews The complete 18-volume set of the Survey of Persian Art is sold separately. Please order subject volumes under the general heading, "Survey of Persian Art." Volume VI-b, 352 pages with 360 figures, coupled with Volume XIII, 608 copper... $45.00
A Survey of Persian Art: Pottery and FaienceVolume IV coupled with Volume IX. by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews The complete 18-volume set of the Survey of Persian Art is sold separately. Please order subject volumes under the general heading, "Survey of Persian Art." Volume IV, 353 pages with 257 figures, coupled with Volume IX, 491 pages,... $45.00
A Survey of Persian Art: TextilesVolume V-b coupled with Volume XI. by Arthur Upham Pope 0 Reviews The complete 18-volume set of the Survey of Persian Art is sold separately. Please order subject volumes under the general heading, "Survey of Persian Art." Volume V-b, 262 pages, 209 figures of weaving details and designs, coupled... $45.00
A Survey of Persian Handicraft by Jay Gluck, Sumi Gluck 0 Reviews In 1926, Arthur Upham Pope, in commencing a decade of photographing for the monumental A Survey of Persian Art, recorded traditional craftsmen at work on mosaic tiles and tribal carpers. During 1964 while in Isfahan with his former students Jay Gluck, Pope... $125.00
Ancient Pottery of the Holy LandFrom Its Beginnings in the Neolithic Period to the End of the Iron Age by Ruth Amiran 0 Reviews Publisher : Rutgers University Press; First American Edition (January 1, 1970). 350 photographs, 101 plates of drawings, 1 color plate, maps, chronological table, notes, bibliography. Dust jacket slightly discolored. Very good... $35.00
Architecture of the Islamic World by Michell George 0 Reviews First published in 1978 by Thames and Hudson, LTD London. With 758 illustrations, 112 in color. Very good condition. Only 1 copy in stock. Sold as is. [ See select images ] $95.00