Avicenna: The Metaphysics of the ShifāFacsimile Edition of MS Malek Library (Tehran) 1085, Dated 509H/1115 by Amos Bertolacci, Gholamreza Dadkhah 0 Reviews If the Šifāʾ (The Cure, or The Healing) in its entirety deserves to be considered Ibn Sīnā’s masterpiece in philosophy, the same can be said in particular of its metaphysical section (Ilāhiyyāt, Divine Things): this... $195.00
Commentary Upon the Foundation of Intellectual Perspicacity Concerning Logic, Natural PhilosophyEdited with Introductions and Notes in English and Persian by Gholamreza Dadkhah and Abbas Goodarznia by Burhan al-Din Nasafi ( d. 684/1286), Gholamreza Dadkhah, Abbas Goodarznia 0 Reviews Sharh ’Asas al-kiyasah is an important, yet little known, philosophical writing of Burhan al-Din Nasafi (d. 684/1286), a leading member of the intellectual School of Ma-wara’-al-nahr. In this work, Nasafi has followed the lead of the Peripatetics,... $25.00
Investigations Explicating the States of ExistantsEdited with Annotations by Alireza Asghari. English Introduction by Sajjad Rizvi by Alireza Asghari, Mulla Shamsa Gilani (d. ca. 1064/1654) 0 Reviews The "Investigations Explicating the States of Existents" (Taḥqīqāt dar bayān-e ahwāl-e mawjūdāt) is an exciting set of issues in philosophy and philosophical theology examined by Mullā Shamsā... $25.00
Science of the Cosmos and the SoulEdited with notes and Introductions in English and Persian by Gholamreza Dadkhah by Shams al-Din Samarqandi, Gholamreza Dadkhah 0 Reviews This volume is a little-known work of Samarqandi, having been not mentioned in any of the traditional sources. This book was evidently compiled during the later stage of the author`s life and probably at the request of a state official called Zaki... $25.00
The Incipience of the CosmosEdited with notes by Alireza Asghari and Gholamreza Dadkhah. English Introduction by Sajjad Rizvi by Gholamreza Dadkhah, Alireza Asghari, Mulla Shamsa Gilani (d. ca. 1064/1654) 0 Reviews The question of temporality (?uduth) or eternity (qidam) of the cosmos was one of the central philosophical and theological debates among thinkers of medieval Iran. One of the most interesting responses to this problem came from the founder of the... $25.00
Three Philosophical EpistlesBy Sa‘īd b. Dādhurmuz (fl. 5/11) by Veysel Kaya 0 Reviews Sa‘īd b. Dādhurmuz is an eleventh century Iranian intellectual whose writings exhibit a combination of the three main theoretical disciplines in Islamic thought, theology (Kalām), philosophy (Falsafa) and mysticism (Tasawwuf).... $35.00